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eSignature integration with PythonDigital Waiver with Javascript


Preparing a documentWhite-labeling

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Preparing a document with WaiverCat

WaiverCat Preparation ControlsDocument preparation controls

To add a field to this form, you just click anywhere on the PDF. The point of your mouse tracker will mirror the top left corner of a box that marks where the signer’s input will appear. No need to drag; instead, you may click in a new spot to move the box.

To enlarge or shrink the field box, use the ”+” and ”-” buttons towards the bottom-center of the page. In general, aim to increase the box size as much as possible while it does not overlap with any content on the document.

Finally, when you have placed the field box appropriately, press the button with the checkbox in it. This anchors the box in place, so the next time you click it will create a new field. The “x” button will delete the most recently placed field, in case you need to go back.

Types of fields

WaiverCat supports signature fields, date fields, and custom fields.

  • Signature fields are places where the signer will insert their hand-drawn or cursive, typed signature.

    • These are the default fields.
  • Date fields are places where the date that the form is signed will be spliced in.

    • You can configure the date format, but by default it appears as MM/DD/YYYY
  • Custom fields are places where the user will input any information via text box.

    • For instance, the signer’s title or company could be custom fields.

    • A signer may type no more than 30 characters in a custom field box

To add a custom field to the document, select “custom field” and type the label of the custom field when prompted, i.e. full name, title, company etc.

Multi-signer Support

Some documents expect that two or more people will sign each copy:

  • Non-disclosure agreements

  • Waivers for minors AND legal guardians

  • By and large, most contracts

However, should you need multi-party support, use the ”+” next to “Signer 1”. Adding or removing fields only affects the selected party; make sure to click on the signer that corresponds to the field that you are editing.

WaiverCat Party ControlsMulti-party controls. Currently, modifying fields for the second signer.

A couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Each party needs at least one field; you can’t add three parties if the second does not have any fields yet.

  • You can’t add a new party if the current field has not been anchored to the page yet

WaiverCat requests signatures consecutively. This means it won’t send the document to the second signer until the first has completed, and so on. On this note, signers will see signatures / fields completed by previous signers.